Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Run Like a Mother

I've been reading this book called "Run Like a Mother". It's funny and inspiring. If you have kids and enjoy running ... or if you've always wanted to enjoy running but need some motivation to get started, then I think you'll like this book! Here's a funny part from the book to give you a sneak peek:

"Ultra-stud Dean Karnazes may be able to run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days, but can he do this?

1. Give birth.

2. Continue running, shoving in workouts whenever there’s a sliver of time: during a soccer practice; in between breastfeeding sessions; hours before the sun rises; after jamming on a work deadline; before volunteering for the school auction.
(Our bet: We probably would’ve already lost him by now.)
3. Write a book.
4. Decorate a minivan.
5. Organize a house schedule—fill the fridge; organize the sitters; arrange for playdates; make sure laundry is done (extra points for it being folded); make lists of what goes in whose lunch; re-arrange the carpool— so that he can extricate himself for a night or two to go on tour.
6. Shave legs and pits, pluck eyebrows, don’t forget the under-eye concealer, put together a few outfits that aren’t stretched out, stained, or bought in a previous century, and hit the road.
Suddenly, 1,310 nearly consecutive miles sounds kinda easy, right?
Okay, maybe not."
Anyway, I love her. There's the link to the right. Good read!

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