Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BOGO (Buy One Get One FREE)

Term: BOGO - learn some coupon lingo. BOGO stands for Buy One Get One FREE, a fantastic way to stock up and save money!

Tip: When taking advantage of a BOGO sale YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GET BOTH ITEMS. I did not know this until I started couponing! I thought you had to pay full price for one to take advantage of this deal. This is just a clever advertisement trick. You can either pay full price for one and get one free OR you can only buy one and get it half off. Train yourself to think 50% off when you see a buy one get one sale. 

Trick: BOGO sales are where you save gobs of money with coupons. Here's how I do it. Let's take Publix to begin with. If you go to www.publix.com they have a link to view their weekly ad. The weekly ad is where they post all their deals for the week. There is also a link to view all of their BOGO items. I go down the list and see if there is something I want on that page. This week they have Halls cough drops as BOGO. My husband has a sore throat so this is what I want. The sale is 2/$1.67. Ok we only have to buy one remember, we don't have to buy both if we don't want to. So, that would make one bag 50% off roughly $0.83. What I do is I google "Halls cough drops coupons" and a lot of links will come up showing you the way to find printable Halls coupons. I found a manufacturers coupon for $0.35 off one bag on the Halls main website. 

HOT TIP!! Publix will double coupons up to $0.50. Take my $0.35 MFR for instance. Publix will double it, making it a $0.70 off coupon!!

THEN I was directed to the Target website to print out a Target store coupon for $0.50 off. You are allowed to use one store coupon and one MFR (manufacturer) coupon per item. So, with the BOGO sale + my $0.35 MFR off coupon (doubles to $0.70) + my $0.50 off Target store coupon = a bag of Halls cough drops for ... FREE. Not only free but it becomes a money maker (MM) meaning I will actually get money back, $0.37 to be exact. Nice trick huh?

Let's go a step further. Say you wanted both bags. Here's another trick. Though you are only paying for one, technically you are "purchasing" two products so you are allowed to use two MFR (manufacturer) coupons, one for each product. So if you were to have another MFR coupon you can put that coupon towards your BOGO (the one you are getting for FREE) item. 2 bags of Halls ($1.67 for BOGO) + 2 $0.35 MFR coupons (one coupon applied towards each item, both double to $0.70) = 2 bags of Halls for $0.27. Now if you had 2 $0.50 off Target store coupons as well you could add that into the mix and have yourself a good little money maker!


  1. This is great help, thanks for all the input! That is really amazing about the BOGO (or as we would call it in the Philippines BOTO--haha)
    That has got to feel good to get all that stuff for what you used to pay for 1 bottle of cleaning spray! Keep it up and keep the tips coming

  2. You should get Publix to advertise on your blog!
